Exciting Developments

It’s definitely been a very busy time for me and the managers I have been working with!


This last week we presented a training program to the president and high level execs of the company. What we thought was a presentation to get the green light to trial our program ended up being an approval to role out our program nationwide!


Needless to say – WE WERE BLOWN AWAY!


This is the inception of a training department for our company. It’s not exactly the program I specifically had envisioned, it’s a start in the right direction.


Also I have been given the opportunity to move to an area management position and will have the ability to role out the program within my locations! The next 12 months will be a pretty amazing project!


I plan on developing a program that will not only help my company increase sales, but also be a program that can be adapted into the retail world to decrease the time it takes an employee to become profitable for companies. I want to focus on smaller operations and not large retail chains though.


I look forward to updating you all soon!