
Who are you?

A simple question, right? Why am I writing about habits and organizations and changing their habits? In a nutshell, I’m out to make my company the next enterprise in our industry; the next juggernaut that can’t stop growing. I like love the challenge!

I’m blogging away not to brag. Not to show you how it’s done. This has nothing to do with anyone else really. I’m using this blog to help me in seeing how everything is moving along. Where I can make adjustments. Where I can put more focus and energy. The real power behind changing habits is knowing what the cause and the outcome are, the why and what. Knowing why helps us change the habit.

This blog is intended to do so. It is also chronicling the journey as I work to change the current organizational habits of my company and help turn them on their head!

My main goal? Besides making the company the next juggernaut? Simple. I want our employees to be the best in the industry. I want competitors and companies from other industries to want to poach my employees because of how great they are. I want to have an army of employees who are ready (and trained) to be the next leader; whether with us or in the path they choose.

Aside from that, who knows, maybe this can help others. I’ll end up writing about habitual change that you can do at the individual level. As this is also going to be an important aspect of the change I’m looking to make. Keep in mind that as time goes by, everything changes (and no doubt the focus of this blog will as well!).




If you are interested in joining a mastermind group. I’m looking for like minded individuals to help each other out on our journeys! Drop me a line at omar [at] habitualchange.com. No spam (that goes for you too). I’m looking for 2 to 3 others to join me. Hope to hear from you soon!

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